'Where's the Brew Stop? The off-road cycle touring website'. About off- road cycle touring routes, cyclist’s cafes, off-road cycle touring, local group events and good photos. For cyclists who love off-road leisure cycling in Northern England
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2020 Photo Galleries
6th September 2020 ride to Heversham
Reeds at side New Road near Crag Foot
Bramble in flower at side of New Road
A sign that Autumn on its way at side of Slackwood Lane.
The cake photo at Wolfhouse Kitchen in Silverdale.
A close up of Pelargonium (Geranium) on the table in the courtyard outside the Wolfhouse Kitchen.
Sign of times, still close.
Public art at Wolfhouse Gallery.
The view looking back across Creep-i’-th’-call Bridge.
The view from Storth Road looking back across the fields towards Hazelslack.
Ox-eye Daisy on shore at Sandside.
The view looking down the River Bela towards Milnthorpe Bridge.
Click here to see next page of 6th September photo gallery.
Copyright 2001 to 2020 D. Simeon Orme
Copyright 2001 to 2020 D. Simeon Orme
Copyright 2001 to 2020 D. Simeon Orme
Copyright 2001 to 2020 D. Simeon Orme
Copyright 2001 to 2020 D. Simeon Orme
Copyright 2001 to 2020 D. Simeon Orme
Copyright 2001 to 2020 D. Simeon Orme
Copyright 2001 to 2020 D. Simeon Orme
Copyright 2001 to 2020 D. Simeon Orme
Copyright 2001 to 2020 D. Simeon Orme
Copyright 2001 to 2020 D. Simeon Orme