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18th June 2017 ride to Gawthrop in Dentdale (Page two)

18th June 2017 ride to Gawthrop in Dentdale (Page two)
- Page one - Page three - Ride report - Route -
A fly on the top of wall near High Stockdale Bridge
Fly on top of wall near High Stockdale Bridge
Ox-eye Daisy in flower at side of the lane.
Red Campion in flower at side of Jordan lane.
Double click to edit
A tree on Holme Fell
The lunch time view
Meadow Crane's-bill in flower at side of the lane
A close up of Meadow Crane's-bill flower
Buttercup in flower at side of the lane
The view looking up Dentdale towards Rash Bridge
Bistort in flower at side of the lane.
A Daivd Brown Tractor in a field at side of lane up Dentdale
Click here to see more photos of the ride.
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