'Where's the Brew Stop? The off-road cycle touring website'.About off- road cycle touring routes, cyclist’s cafes, off-road cycle touring, local group events and good photos.For cyclists who love off-road leisure cycling in Northern England
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Cyclist’s Cafe Guide
Welcome to the Cyclist's Cafe Guide section of Where's the Brew Stop? Off-road cycle touring website. You can find in the index of Cyclist's Cafes, a list of cafes and tearooms visited by the webmaster and other cyclists over past few years mainly around Lancashire, Cumbria, North Yorkshire and further a field in other parts of the UK. Where the cafe or tearoom as been visited by the webmaster, you will find links to ride photos and routes featuring that cafe or tearoom in other parts of the website and if just like looking at photos of cakes, you can find these in Food and Cake Photo Galleries.This section of the website was last updated on 14th June 2023 and you can see latest site updates on the 'What's new page'.